Cjuce::AudioBuffer< Type > | |
Cjuce::AudioBuffer< float > | |
Copenshot::AudioDeviceInfo | This struct hold information about Audio Devices |
Copenshot::AudioDeviceManagerSingleton | Singleton wrapper for AudioDeviceManager (to prevent multiple instances) |
Copenshot::AudioDevices | A class which probes the available audio devices |
Copenshot::AudioLocation | This struct holds the associated video frame and starting sample # for an audio packet |
Copenshot::AudioResampler | This class is used to resample audio data for many sequential frames |
Copenshot::AudioWaveformData | This struct holds the extracted waveform data (both the RMS root-mean-squared average, and the max values) |
Copenshot::AudioWaveformer | This class is used to extra audio data used for generating waveforms |
Copenshot::BBox | This struct holds the information of a bounding-box |
►Copenshot::CacheBase | All cache managers in libopenshot are based on this CacheBase class |
Copenshot::CacheDisk | This class is a disk-based cache manager for Frame objects |
Copenshot::CacheMemory | This class is a memory-based cache manager for Frame objects |
CCamTrajectory | |
Copenshot::ChunkLocation | This struct holds the location of a frame within a chunk |
►Copenshot::ClipBase | This abstract class is the base class, used by all clips in libopenshot |
Copenshot::Clip | This class represents a clip (used to arrange readers on the timeline) |
►Copenshot::EffectBase | This abstract class is the base class, used by all effects in libopenshot |
Copenshot::Bars | This class draws black bars around your video (from any side), and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Blur | This class adjusts the blur of an image, and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Brightness | This class adjusts the brightness and contrast of an image, and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Caption | This class adds captions/text over a video, based on timestamps. You can also animate some limited aspects, such as words appearing/disappearing |
Copenshot::ChromaKey | This class removes (i.e. keys out) a color (i.e. greenscreen) |
Copenshot::ColorShift | This class shifts the pixels of an image up, down, left, or right, and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Compressor | This class adds a compressor into the audio |
Copenshot::Crop | This class crops a frame image (from any side), and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Deinterlace | This class uses the ImageMagick++ libraries, to de-interlace the image, which removes the EVEN or ODD horizontal lines (which represent different points of time) |
Copenshot::Delay | This class adds a delay into the audio |
Copenshot::Distortion | This class adds a distortion into the audio |
Copenshot::Echo | This class adds a echo into the audio |
Copenshot::Expander | This class adds a expander (or noise gate) into the audio |
Copenshot::Hue | This class shifts the hue of an image, and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Mask | This class uses the image libraries to apply alpha (or transparency) masks to any frame. It can also be animated, and used as a powerful Wipe transition |
Copenshot::Negate | This class uses the ImageMagick++ libraries, to negate image (i.e. negative) |
Copenshot::Noise | This class adds a noise into the audio |
Copenshot::ObjectDetection | This effect displays all the detected objects on a clip |
Copenshot::ParametricEQ | This class adds a equalization into the audio |
Copenshot::Pixelate | This class pixelates an image, and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Robotization | This class adds a robotization effect into the audio |
Copenshot::Saturation | This class adjusts the saturation of color on a frame's image |
Copenshot::Shift | This class shifts the pixels of an image up, down, left, or right, and can be animated with openshot::Keyframe curves over time |
Copenshot::Stabilizer | This class stabilizes a video clip to remove undesired shaking and jitter |
Copenshot::Tracker | This class tracks a given object through the clip, draws a box around it and allow the user to attach another clip (image or video) to the tracked object |
Copenshot::Wave | This class distorts an image using a wave pattern |
Copenshot::Whisperization | This class adds a whisperization effect into the audio |
Copenshot::ClipProcessingJobs | |
Copenshot::Color | This class represents a color (used on the timeline and clips) |
Copenshot::CompareClipEffects | |
Copenshot::CompareClipEndFrames | |
Copenshot::CompareClips | |
Copenshot::CompareEffectEndFrames | Like CompareClipEndFrames, but for effects |
Copenshot::CompareEffects | |
Copenshot::Coordinate | A Cartesian coordinate (X, Y) used in the Keyframe animation system |
Copenshot::CrashHandler | This class is designed to catch exceptions thrown by libc (SIGABRT, SIGSEGV, SIGILL, SIGFPE) |
Copenshot::CVDetectionData | |
Copenshot::CVObjectDetection | This class runs trought a clip to detect objects and returns the bounding boxes and its properties |
CCVStabilization | This class stabilizes a video frame using optical flow |
Copenshot::CVTracker | The tracker class will receive one bounding box provided by the user and then iterate over the clip frames to return the object position in all the frames |
CDetectionData | |
CEffectCamTrajectory | |
Copenshot::EffectInfo | This class returns a listing of all effects supported by libopenshot |
Copenshot::EffectInfoStruct | This struct contains info about an effect, such as the name, video or audio effect, etc.. |
CEffectTransformParam | |
►Cexception | |
►Copenshot::ExceptionBase | Base exception class with a custom message variable |
Copenshot::DecklinkError | Exception when accessing a blackmagic decklink card |
►Copenshot::FileExceptionBase | |
Copenshot::InvalidChannels | Exception when an invalid # of audio channels are detected |
Copenshot::InvalidCodec | Exception when no valid codec is found for a file |
Copenshot::InvalidFile | Exception for files that can not be found or opened |
Copenshot::InvalidFormat | Exception when no valid format is found for a file |
Copenshot::InvalidJSON | Exception for invalid JSON |
Copenshot::InvalidOptions | Exception when invalid encoding options are used |
Copenshot::InvalidSampleRate | Exception when invalid sample rate is detected during encoding |
Copenshot::NoStreamsFound | Exception when no streams are found in the file |
Copenshot::OutOfMemory | Exception when memory could not be allocated |
Copenshot::ReaderClosed | Exception when a reader is closed, and a frame is requested |
Copenshot::ResampleError | Exception when resample fails |
Copenshot::TooManySeeks | Exception when too many seek attempts happen |
Copenshot::WriterClosed | Exception when a writer is closed, and a frame is requested |
►Copenshot::FrameExceptionBase | |
Copenshot::ChunkNotFound | Exception when a required chunk is missing |
Copenshot::ErrorDecodingAudio | Exception when decoding audio packet |
Copenshot::ErrorEncodingAudio | Exception when encoding audio packet |
Copenshot::ErrorEncodingVideo | Exception when encoding audio packet |
Copenshot::InvalidJSONKey | Exception for missing JSON Change key |
Copenshot::OutOfBoundsFrame | Exception for frames that are out of bounds |
Copenshot::OutOfBoundsPoint | Exception for an out of bounds key-frame point |
Copenshot::Field | This struct holds a single field (half a frame) |
Copenshot::Fraction | This class represents a fraction |
Copenshot::Frame | This class represents a single frame of video (i.e. image & audio data) |
Copenshot::FrameData | |
CHungarianAlgorithm | |
►CIIRFilter | |
Copenshot::Distortion::Filter | |
Copenshot::ParametricEQ::Filter | |
CKalmanTracker | This class represents the internel state of individual tracked objects observed as bounding box |
Copenshot::Keyframe | A Keyframe is a collection of Point instances, which is used to vary a number or property over time |
Copenshot::MappedFrame | This struct holds two fields which together make up a complete video frame |
Copenshot::OpenShotVersion | This struct holds version number information. Use the GetVersion() method to access the current version of libopenshot |
Copenshot::PacketStatus | This struct holds the packet counts and end-of-file detection for an openshot::FFmpegReader |
►Copenshot::PlayerBase | This is the base class of all Players in libopenshot |
Copenshot::QtPlayer | This class is used to playback a video from a reader |
Copenshot::Point | A Point is the basic building block of a key-frame curve |
►CPositionableAudioSource | |
Copenshot::AudioBufferSource | This class is used to expose an AudioBuffer<float> as an AudioSource in JUCE |
Copenshot::AudioReaderSource | This class is used to expose any ReaderBase derived class as an AudioSource in JUCE |
CProcessingController | |
Copenshot::Profile | This class loads a special text-based file called a Profile |
Copenshot::ProfileInfo | This struct holds profile data, typically loaded from a file |
►CQObject | |
CVideoRenderer | |
►CQWidget | |
CPlayerDemo | |
CVideoRenderWidget | |
►Copenshot::ReaderBase | This abstract class is the base class, used by all readers in libopenshot |
Copenshot::ChunkReader | This class reads a special chunk-formatted file, which can be easily shared in a distributed environment |
Copenshot::Clip | This class represents a clip (used to arrange readers on the timeline) |
Copenshot::DummyReader | This class is used as a simple, dummy reader, which can be very useful when writing unit tests. It can return a single blank frame or it can return custom frame objects which were passed into the constructor with a Cache object |
Copenshot::FFmpegReader | This class uses the FFmpeg libraries, to open video files and audio files, and return openshot::Frame objects for any frame in the file |
Copenshot::FrameMapper | This class creates a mapping between 2 different frame rates, applying a specific pull-down technique |
Copenshot::ImageReader | This class uses the ImageMagick++ libraries, to open image files, and return openshot::Frame objects containing the image |
Copenshot::QtHtmlReader | This class uses Qt libraries, to create frames with rendered HTML, and return openshot::Frame objects |
Copenshot::QtImageReader | This class uses the Qt library, to open image files, and return openshot::Frame objects containing the image |
Copenshot::QtTextReader | This class uses Qt libraries, to create frames with "Text", and return openshot::Frame objects |
Copenshot::TextReader | This class uses the ImageMagick++ libraries, to create frames with "Text", and return openshot::Frame objects |
Copenshot::Timeline | This class represents a timeline |
Copenshot::ReaderInfo | This struct contains info about a media file, such as height, width, frames per second, etc.. |
►Copenshot::RendererBase | This is the base class of all Renderers in libopenshot |
CVideoRenderer | |
Copenshot::SampleRange | This struct holds a the range of samples needed by this frame |
Copenshot::Settings | This class is contains settings used by libopenshot (and can be safely toggled at any point) |
CSortTracker | |
►Copenshot::STFT | |
Copenshot::Robotization::RobotizationEffect | |
Copenshot::Whisperization::WhisperizationEffect | |
►CThread | |
Copenshot::AudioPlaybackThread | The audio playback thread |
Copenshot::PlayerPrivate | The private part of QtPlayer class, which contains an audio thread and video thread, and controls the video timing and audio synchronization code |
►Copenshot::TimelineBase | This class represents a timeline (used for building generic timeline implementations) |
Copenshot::Timeline | This class represents a timeline |
Copenshot::TimelineInfoStruct | This struct contains info about the current Timeline clip instance |
►Copenshot::TrackedObjectBase | This abstract class is the base class of all Tracked Objects |
Copenshot::TrackedObjectBBox | This class contains the properties of a tracked object and functions to manipulate it |
CTrackingBox | |
CTransformParam | |
►Copenshot::WriterBase | This abstract class is the base class, used by writers. Writers are types of classes that encode video, audio, and image files |
Copenshot::ChunkWriter | This class takes any reader and generates a special type of video file, built with chunks of small video and audio data |
Copenshot::FFmpegWriter | This class uses the FFmpeg libraries, to write and encode video files and audio files |
Copenshot::ImageWriter | This class uses the ImageMagick library to write image files (including animated GIFs) |
Copenshot::WriterInfo | This struct contains info about encoding a media file, such as height, width, frames per second, etc.. |
Copenshot::ZmqLogger | This class is used for logging and sending those logs over a ZemoMQ socket to a listener |
►CThread | |
Copenshot::VideoCacheThread | The video cache class |
Copenshot::VideoPlaybackThread | The video playback class |